Home Cooking

Keto Salad with Sabanero


Try this delicious Keto Salad made with Turkey & Sabanero Semi Hard Cheese, it’s a light, full of proteins and good fats! 😋


Ingredients (2 people)

A bag of mixed lettuces

200 gr of turkey (Or chicken) 

200 gr of Sabanero semi Hard fresh cheese

2 apples


For the vinaigrette

1 tablespoon of mustard 

6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon of vinegar

1 teaspoon of Honey or Xylitol 

Rinse the salad thoroughly and chop all the ingredients into squares.

In a bowl place all the mustard, the oil, the vinegar and the sugar.  Beat well with rods, to emulsify a little.

Place the mixed lettuce and top all other ingredients, and dress with the vinaigrette.

Serve right away. 


Enjoy! 😋

Torta De Pan - Bread Cake

Made with Sabanero Hard Cheese.



1 liter of milk

1 cup of sugar

1 cup grated Sabanero hard Cheese

2 cups of old hard bread grated

Raisins to taste

5 eggs


2 tablespoons melted butter



In a bowl put to soak the bread with the Milk for an hour or until is soft.

Then mix with a wooden spoon the bread with sugar, cheese and eggs, mix everything well and aromatize with the vanilla, add the melted butter and mix well, once ready reserve. Grease a mold with butter and sprinkle with flour, add the mixture and bring to the oven previously hot. Let it bake At 185C for 25mins or until it sets and brown the cake on top. One way to make this cake with a touch of class, is to prepare in the mold where it will bake a clear caramel and let it solidify before pouring the mixture, then bake it.

When is baked, flip it and you will have a beautiful presentation in top. 


enjoy it! 

Pan de Bono- Version with Cassava flour.

Made with our Hard Cheese

Best to eat with a Hot Chocolate or a nice Coffee 


Pandebono, or pan de bono, is a delicious cheese bread, perfect for breakfast or an afternoon snack with coffee. It's a simple recipe made with cheese and two kinds of flour -- tapioca flour (cassava or yuca starch) and cornmeal. The precooked cornmeal called Harina Pan used to make arepas works well, as does regular cornmeal.

The dough is shaped into balls or rings, which puff up nicely in the oven even though there's no leavening ingredient. The pandebono are best when they're warm and soft, and they reheat very well in the oven.

Traditionally, pandebono is consumed a few minutes after baking while still warm with hot chocolate. If you'd like to serve them with a meal, the best entrees to eat with pandebono are savory foods like meats and other protein-rich foods; the balance of protein with the starchy bread is satiating and will leave you wanting more.

What You'll Need

  • 1/2 cup white Harina Pan (pre-cooked cornmeal)
  • 1 1/2 cup tapioca (cassava or yuca) flour
  • 5 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 cups grated Sabanero Hard cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoonful of salt
  • Half cup of milk
  • 2 spoons of butter
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder  


How to Make It

  1. Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease a cookie sheet.
  2. Mix the two flours and the sugar in a bowl.
  3. Stir in the grated cheese and the eggs. Mix well with a wooden spoon.  add salt as needed.
  4. Knead dough until smooth. If the dough seems too dry, add milk. The dough should be soft and pliable. Let dough rest for about 10 minutes, covered with plastic wrap.
  5. Pull off sections of dough and roll into balls that are slightly larger than golf balls. To shape the dough into rings (rosquillas), first roll a piece of dough into a cylinder, then join the ends together to form a circle. The rolls do not have to be perfectly smooth - they will puff up during the last several minutes of baking. Bake for 20mins. 

Sweet corn Cake


 This sweet corn cake is a delicious and quick way to keep you cravings free and your kids & guests happy.

A Gluten Free option and nutritional alternative.


1 cup of Sugar

1 cup of milk

1 cup of grated Sabanero Hard cheese

450grs. Of Sweet corn

5 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

3 tablespoons melted butter

1/2 tea spoon of baking powder  


Step 1:

Blend the sweet corn kernels with the milk in the blender. (Or buy our Sweet corn dough)

Step 2:

Beat together butter and sugar until creamy.

Step 3:

To the butter mixture are incorporated one by one the eggs and the baking powder. Until mixed well.

Step 4:

Incorporate the liquefied corn and mix it with a wooden or plastic spoon, then add the Sabanero cheese, mix everything well.

Step 5:

Place the mixture in a mold prepared with butter and flour, or prepared with waxed paper.

Step 6:

Bake at 175 degrees C for about 55 minutes. Or until it is browned and punctured with a wooden stick, it comes out dry.

Let it cool down to get firmer.

Enjoy! 😋


Colombian Buñuelos

This Buñuelos are a cheese divine puffy fried dough that its perfect to be eaten with hot cocoa,  cappuccinos, coffee or cold beverages, its very easy to make, just remember safety on the kitchen. 


3 Cups of grated Sabanero Cheese - Queso Duro.

1  & 1/2 cup of Corn starch (Maizena brand its good)

2 eggs

1/4 cup of Milk

1 spoon of sugar

Abundant Oil to fry.


Put the oil to heat well. Mix all ingredients together until form a soft dough, not to runny and not too dry. Make small balls and put them to fry in abundant oil so they can float and have enough space to swim in the oil. When they float and turn golden in both sides, take them out into a paper towel, and Done!!! Make sure they are cooked inside and not runny. Oil needs to be medium so they can cook and not burn. Enjoy!