Irish cheese

Keto Salad with Sabanero


Try this delicious Keto Salad made with Turkey & Sabanero Semi Hard Cheese, it’s a light, full of proteins and good fats! 😋


Ingredients (2 people)

A bag of mixed lettuces

200 gr of turkey (Or chicken) 

200 gr of Sabanero semi Hard fresh cheese

2 apples


For the vinaigrette

1 tablespoon of mustard 

6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon of vinegar

1 teaspoon of Honey or Xylitol 

Rinse the salad thoroughly and chop all the ingredients into squares.

In a bowl place all the mustard, the oil, the vinegar and the sugar.  Beat well with rods, to emulsify a little.

Place the mixed lettuce and top all other ingredients, and dress with the vinaigrette.

Serve right away. 


Enjoy! 😋

Torta De Pan - Bread Cake

Made with Sabanero Hard Cheese.



1 liter of milk

1 cup of sugar

1 cup grated Sabanero hard Cheese

2 cups of old hard bread grated

Raisins to taste

5 eggs


2 tablespoons melted butter



In a bowl put to soak the bread with the Milk for an hour or until is soft.

Then mix with a wooden spoon the bread with sugar, cheese and eggs, mix everything well and aromatize with the vanilla, add the melted butter and mix well, once ready reserve. Grease a mold with butter and sprinkle with flour, add the mixture and bring to the oven previously hot. Let it bake At 185C for 25mins or until it sets and brown the cake on top. One way to make this cake with a touch of class, is to prepare in the mold where it will bake a clear caramel and let it solidify before pouring the mixture, then bake it.

When is baked, flip it and you will have a beautiful presentation in top. 


enjoy it!