Colombian Buñuelos

This Buñuelos are a cheese divine puffy fried dough that its perfect to be eaten with hot cocoa,  cappuccinos, coffee or cold beverages, its very easy to make, just remember safety on the kitchen. 


3 Cups of grated Sabanero Cheese - Queso Duro.

1  & 1/2 cup of Corn starch (Maizena brand its good)

2 eggs

1/4 cup of Milk

1 spoon of sugar

Abundant Oil to fry.


Put the oil to heat well. Mix all ingredients together until form a soft dough, not to runny and not too dry. Make small balls and put them to fry in abundant oil so they can float and have enough space to swim in the oil. When they float and turn golden in both sides, take them out into a paper towel, and Done!!! Make sure they are cooked inside and not runny. Oil needs to be medium so they can cook and not burn. Enjoy!